How do Yapsody Invoices work?
Invoices reflect ticketing fees accrued in connection with sold/priced (not free) tickets issued in the prior calendar month minus ticketing fees reversed from refunded tickets. The calendar month begins at midnight GMT on the first day of each month and ends at midnight GMT on the last day of each month.
Example Scenario: You have an event on 15th February. You sell 400 tickets to that event in January and another 600 in February. In February, you also refund 20 tickets that were originally purchased in January. Your January invoice will reflect fees for the 400 tickets sold in January (even though the event is in February). Your February invoice will reflect fees for the 600 tickets sold in February minus fees that had been incurred for the 20 tickets refunded (even though the refunded tickets were originally purchased in January).
How are ticketing fees calculated?
Fees are usually based on a flat fee per ticket plus a percentage of the ticket price, which varies by country/currency and Yapsody tier (i.e., Base, Gold, Platinum, Elite). In some countries, the fee is only based on a percentage with no flat fee.
When are invoices issued?
Invoices are issued by the 2nd day of each month
How do I know when my invoice is ready?
We notify account owners and any users with applicable permissions via email and also notify them through your Virtual Box Office when logged in.
When are invoices due?
Invoices are due 10 days from the date of issue.
What happens if I don’t pay by invoice by the due date?
Accounts with overdue invoices will be suspended pending payment. As due dates approach, we will send reminder emails to account owners and any users with applicable permissions and also notify them through your Virtual Box Office when logged in.
Where can I review my invoices in detail?
You can see a breakdown of each invoice in your Virtual Box Office Billing Tab. Click an invoice number to see its Invoice Summary, which includes a breakdown by Event & Performance. You will see the invoice details with the Transaction number, Transaction date and time, Ticket number, Yapsody fees, etc. (How to view invoice?)
How are fees handled when tickets are refunded?
If a ticket is refunded, the corresponding Yapsody fee will appear as a credit on your invoice in the month during which the refund occurred (not in the month in which the original sale occurred). For Example, a transaction is made in the month of January and that transaction gets refunded in the month of February, So the credit of that Transaction will reflect on the February month's invoice which gets generated on the 2nd of March.
If the ticket is sold and the refund for that ticket is done in same month, the credit will be given in the upcoming invoice. Example: The ticket is sold in January month and in same month it is refunded, then the credit will be calculated in upcoming invoice generated on 2nd February.
In the event that you make refunds in a month in which you have no sales (in which case there are no Yapsody fees to offset the credit), you can contact our support team to request a refund.
How do I Pay my Invoices?
You can pay your Invoice from the billing section of your Virtual Box Office by Credit Card and/or Pay Pal, depending on the currency to which your account is set. Credit Card is available for most currencies.(How can I pay invoice?)
- To check Stripe supported currencies please visit
- To check PayPal supported currencies please visit
Note: For presenters from the United States, check payments are also accepted. You can contact our Technical Support Team on Chat for more details on this.
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