Looking to Test the booking flow of your recently created event, however the event is not visible on the online store even though the account is in Test Mode, wondering what could have went wrong? Any Guesses? Well it could be simply due to the fact that while creating the Event, you have not selected the Event Category as "TEST EVENT- NO FEE."
It's not late yet and the fix is just a couple of clicks away! In order to learn how to select the event category as "TEST EVENT- NO FEE" continue reading:-
1) Select the event from the Box office and click on "Edit" at the top right. (How Do I Edit?)
2) Now click on "Edit" just below Event Summary.
3) Scroll the page down until you see "Event Category" and select the option of "Test Event- No Fee."
4) Once done selecting the Event Category, please click on "Save & Proceed" at the bottom of the page to ensure the changes are saved.
Please Note:- The Test Events are visible on your online account, if you have enabled Test mode and selected the event Category as "Test Event- No Fee."
You can view your Test Events in your Yapsody Box Office Interface by enabling the "Test Event" check box at the top of the calendar view.
Once done testing the booking flow, please refund the tickets to ensure it is not occupying your event capacity and select the event category as per your preference, also make sure you disabling the Test Mode as well.
If you face any difficulties or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us. We are available on "Live Chat & Email support" 24 x 7 and 365 days of the year!
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