Yapsody offers its presenters to upload their own Single use discount codes, which gives the presenters the flexibility to give their own codes to the customer to get the discounts while booking the tickets online.
Kindly follow the below-mentioned steps.
- You will need to edit the event (How Do I do this?) created by you. Once, you edit the event you will be displayed tabs like Event Info, Seating, Pricing etc. Select the Discount option under the Pricing tab.
- Click on the option 'New Discount'. You will receive a pop-up window to select the Discount type from the various discounts from the drop-down menu.
- Select the option 'Single Use Code'. Select Add my Custom Codes. You will need to create the codes and upload them.
- You need to create a List of Code in Excel in and save it in.CSV format, For the codes to be uploaded.
- Select Upload File and select the.CSV file and click on Open.
- The codes will be uploaded and customers will be able to book tickets using the codes created by you.
Note: You can download the codes uploaded by you from the system.
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