You can enable payment methods separately for your Box Office and Online Store. To do this, follow these steps:
1) Login to your account and hover the mouse on the Account Name at the top left and select "Settings" from the list.
2) Under settings, click on the "Accept Payments" tab on the left. Now, click on "Add Payment Method" and select the Payment method you want to be available on your Online Store and Box-office. You can select "Cash", "Credit Cards", "PayPal", "Pay Later" etc.
Note:- You can also click on "Configure" next to the available payment option such as "Credit card, Paypal, etc" in order to set up the payment option.
3) You can then select whether or not you want payment methods to be combined in the Box Office (How do I find this?). If enabled, this will allow you to accept up to two different forms of payment for a single transaction. (Example: A customer may want to pay partly in cash and the balance by check.) The only exception is the "Complimentary" payment method. It cannot be combined because by definition a Complimentary ticket is already free.
Don’t have Yapsody account? Sign up now and start selling tickets for your events & collect money directly in your favourite Payment gateway account.
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