We've introduced the Yaptickets app that allows ticket buyers to access event tickets from their smartphones! This results in no need to carry paper tickets and they can access the entire ticket purchases in just a few taps!
To sync your events ticket purchases to the ticket buyers app, you need to enable "Limit delivery via Yapsody YapTickets."
Before we take you through the steps for enabling this feature, please note:-
- Upon enabling this feature, all the existing ticket delivery methods that were active for the online store would be disabled automatically, no changes would occur for Box Office however you can manually disable the other ticket delivery methods or choose Yaptickets at the time of issuing tickets from Box Office.
- Tickets booked using Yaptickets as a delivery method will not have E-tickets attached to the transaction confirmation emails.
- Upon disabling the YapTickets Ticket delivery method, the tickets purchased for your event would also disappear from your ticket buyers app and you would need to send the tickets using the "Redeliver Tickets" feature.
- Customers would need to download the Yaptickets app to view the tickets.
Now as you understand, how it would function, please follow the below article to learn how to enable and issue tickets using it.
i) From the Box Office (event calendar page) hover the mouse cursor on the "Organization Name" at the top left and select "Settings" from the drop-down list.
ii) Now click "Transactions" from the list of options available to the left of your screen.
iii) Activate the Delivery Method "Limit delivery via Yapsody YapTickets" by clicking the enable/disable switch and ensure clicking on "Save" at the bottom of the page to record the changes.
Note:- As shown in the above image, as soon as you enable this feature, all the existing ticket delivery methods that were active for the online store will be disabled automatically however there would be no change for box office.
iv) At the time of booking tickets from the Box Office, you would be prompted to enter customer details, and option to choose the ticket delivery method.
v) However for your Online Store (Ticket Store), under "How do you want to receive your tickets?" you would find the "Yapsody YapTickets" as the default selection.
vi) For tickets booked using Yaptickets as the delivery method, the transaction confirmation email sent to your ticket buyers won't have tickets attached and will prompt them to download the Yapsody Yaptickets App, available for both iOS and Android devices, to access their tickets.
Don’t have Yapsody account? Sign up now and sell your event tickets.
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