Current subscription not working? Our flexible pricing plans help you to switch your subscription as per your business needs from time to time. Simply select the plan that fits your business needs and you are good to go.
Before we take you through the steps to downgrade your subscription, please be informed, the downgraded pricing plan will be effective from your next billing cycle.
For Example:- Your Bill Cycle is from the 20th of this month to the 19th of another month (20th of November to the 19th of December) and you downgraded your subscription from $54.99 to $29.99 on the 25th of November, the change in pricing plan would be effective from 20th December.
Downgrading during the trial period would switch the plan upon completion of the Trial period.
You would still have access to all the contacts that were in line with your previous subscription.
Now that we know how the downgrade of the pricing plan would work, keep reading to downgrade your subscription.
i) Login to your Campaign Account and click on the "App Launcher Icon"(The grid of the nine small boxes that are found at the top right corner) followed by "Admin."
ii) You'll be displayed Admin dashboard, click on "Billing & Plans" available to your right or the last option on the list to the left.
iii) You will be displayed your current plan information under "Your subscription," Click on 'Upgrade Subscription.'
iv) Select the Number of Contacts you would like to subscribe to and click on "Downgrade."
Note:- Upon clicking "Downgrade" you would see a prompt "Do you really want to Downgrade your plan are you sure?" click "Downgrade Plan."
v) Upon successful downgrade you'll see a confirmation pop-up "Your Plan is Updated! Your subscription has been successfully Updated!."
Moreover, under Your Subscription, you would see a subscription update from when the downgraded plan would be effective.
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