Lost your card or your stored card is expired, stick to this article to learn how to change your payment card details on your Campaign account in no time.
i) Login to your Campaign Account and click on the "App Launcher Icon"(The grid of the nine small boxes that are found at the top right corner) followed by "Admin."
ii) You'll be displayed Admin dashboard, click on "Billing & Plans" available to your right or the last option on the list to the left.
iii) Now scroll the page down until you see "Payment Card details," to Update or replace the card details, click on "Edit Payment Method."
iv) You'll be displayed your current active plan along with the last 04 digits of the card saved on your account, to update/change the card details, click on "Add payment method."
v) Enter your card details such as Card Number, CVV, and Expiration date accurately and click on "Add" to save the details.
Note:- Check the Box against "Use as the default payment method" to bill your account using this card.
Click on "Go Back" to return to the previous page, and clicking "Return to Yapsody LLC" will redirect to the home page.
vi) The added card would show up under payment methods, to delete the earlier card click on the 03 dots next to it and select "Delete."
Note:- Your default payment method can't be deleted however you can change the other cards to default and delete the one you don't want to have on the account.
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